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actually you can play 5 sports. so there are five things to do. you really gotta try to think before you post buddy. also there are training mini games which are fun. plus playing it multiplayer is amazing and thats where the tons of replay value comes in. and anyway i didn't say wii sports is great cuz of its depth, because it doesn't have a lot of depth. its just plain ridiculously fun though.

you however did talk about gta's depth. and so i pointed out that it doesn't have much of that. but i shoulda explained a bit better, cuz of course you can simplify a lot of games down to just a few things, you can say halo is just killing people. but in gta none of those 3 things have much depth (which is what makes it boring), and thats where it differs from what i like to call "good" games. these are games that are fun to play and continue to be fun to play and probably even get better as you go because of the depth of gameplay. whether its level design, AI, having to use different tactics and strategize how to beat different parts, solving puzzles, fun intense action that doesn't get stale, stuff like that is what gives a game depth.

like i said i played vice city and liked it for about a week, i mean i thought it was really cool, i remember the first time i saw gta 3 is was like this game is amazing, but that was just looking at it and not actually playing through the game. but it has no depth and so once i got tired of the mediocre missions i went to just running around the city killing people cuz that freedom to do whatever i wanted seemed to be way more fun, and as soon as the novelty of running around the city stealing cars, killing people, and running from the cops wore off (which took all of like 4 or 5 hours) it became incredibly boring so much so to the point where when i later got gta 3 it felt the exact same and i was immediately bored cuz i knew it was just the same thing in a different city, and the whole gta concept had already become very boring to me in all of like 10-15 hours with vice city.

the whole reason why i got bored with the game so quickly is because of the great lack of depth in the gameplay. if the missions were better and if there was some depth so that the game didn't get boring after getting the whole police force chasing me 3 or 4 times then the gta games would be good. but seeing as how those games i listed in my first post were obviously my opinion i put that note about gta cuz i figured someone would come on here and ask how i could leave off gta, so i was saying i didn't leave it off, i just don't think it deserves top 100, cuz i don't think its even a good game.

in summary, gta lacks depth despite you claim and has mediocre missions so that i found it very boring after a few hours of the missions and a few hours of non-mission gaming.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy