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vlad321 said:
Johann said:
@Vlad: What constitutes a good story is completely subjective.

I thought the story of Chrono Trigger was amazing. Also thought the story of Super Metroid and Shadow of The Colossus were extremely immersive and moving.

All of those had relatively simple narrative. SotC nd Super Metroid had almost no dialogue or text at all. Chrono Trigger is one giant cliche fest. And also, they were all completely linear (save for CT, but then again... not so much). Yet they all managed to move me somehow.

Although I know how those games made me feel when I played them, I also know what I feel doesn't come from the game, but from me. I'm the one who thinks those things. It's an opinion.

You don't get to say what you like is somehow superior to what I like. It's not.

No don't get me wrong. As far as games go the ones you listed were amazing. However as far as stories across all media, they pale in comparison to a good book. If you think otherwise maybe you just need to read more and better books....

Or maybe you just need to accept the fact that opinions are like assholes.

I've read plenty of good books. Unfortunately you're unlikely to have heard of them, as they are mostly from Portuguese speaking countries. Ever heard of "O Cortiço" or "Primo Basilio"? They're both great.

I do enjoy Dostoyevsky occasionally but I find his narrative a little too unfocused. But that's just me.

I still find the story of CT to be more moving than "The Idiot". Not as polished, sure. Filled with cliche and a couple plotholes here and there, no argument. Still moved me more. Call me a peasant.


Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!