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Rating Description
out of 10
6.0 Presentation
The visuals are well done, but the spotty motion and camera controls, stale story, and sometimes painful voice work really brings down the package.
8.0 Graphics
Some decent effects are used, and the game is full of unique enemies, great animations, and some pretty epic moments. Pop-in abounds.
6.0 Sound
There are a few keepers in the game's soundtrack, but the voice work needs serious help, and some of the battle music feels truly out of place.
6.0 Gameplay
The battle system was on the right track, but it feels as though more time was spent developing mini-games than polishing the core mechanic.
6.0 Lasting Appeal
There's a good 25 hours of an adventure to explore, but you'll have to ignore a lot of shortcomings to enjoy it.
(out of 10 / not an average)