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Gnizmo said:

KZ2 easy can reach 3m+. =)

A game that sold under a million on the PS2 is going to break 2 million on a system with less than 1/10th the install base? The reviews have it pegged as average at best as well. If a game like Ratchet and Clank suffers from lowered sales due to lower install base, then Killzone 2 is certainly going to suffer as well.

They havent updated that since the Game detabase was created. Combine OTHERS(were it sold more) it should be around 2 million.

The ps2 wasnt a shooter type system, the ps3 on the other hand is( resistance sold 2 million ) cod4 is about to make it to 1 million.

KZ2 is a completely different game from killzone1. The gameplay vids say it all, you cant compare KZ1 with KZ2 in any way possible.

