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Of course Japan was going to win this site`s poll. A disproportionately large amount of users on here tend to prefer Japanese games. And on gaming message boards in general, those type of gamers are absolutely overrepresented. Honestly I can`t really make a decision on this poll. Both the Western and Japanese games look good. There are plenty of western gamers that don`t give Japanese games a chance (god forbid they see animu on the box art, many will develop a negative impression right away unless it`s Street Fighter or something) though from what I`ve seen on the net there are plenty of western Japanophiles that won`t give western games a fair chance as well. Probably because it hurts their e-cred among their niche social circle. The Japanese software is great. It`s just that I find myself less interested in jrpgs and more interested in Japanese games of other genres (ie. Bayonetta, Blazblue, the Japanese adventure games on PC and DS)