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jesus kung fu magic said:

Ok the J man wants every member listing games to see where they stand on reputable review sites and how many Canadian games , American games etc. beat them out......just try not to overload the system when your listing them though


S.T.A.G.E. said:
It's stupid for people to assume Japan has owned this gen when the mass majority of AAA titles have been western.

Isn't the point of having a poll is to gather the community's opinions? I mean, If we wanted to see what western reviewers prefer, we simply look it up on metacritic.

Grand Theft Auto 4 and Call of Duty scored higher than Valkyria Chronicles, yet I think VC is the far superior game. I'm not entirely sure why the reviewers represented in metacritic are any more reputable (as a whole) than what the community here is. Sure there are biases, but it would certainly work both ways. We're looking at Western reviews.