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Khuutra said:
Slimebeast said:
Khuutra said:

Those people are alive and as healthy as they are largely because of medical breakthroughs that came about as a result of animal testing. When we find a cure for cancer, it will be through animal testing. When we figure out how to heal nerve damage, it will be through animal testing. When we figure out how to make a pill that will cure a person of depression, or help prevent the risk of birth defects, or cure acne, or pretty much anything in medical science, it will be beause of animal testing.

Yes, I think animal testing is right. It sucks for them, but I place value on human life that is much higher than the value I place on the life of other animals.

Then you're a big racist.

What's the difference to say that I place value white people's life higher than let's say black people? Or I value healthy people's life higher than the mentally ill.

That isn't racism, it's speciesism. You can't draw an analogy between our relationship with other animals and the relationship between different ethnic groups of humans unless you (A) consider animal life equivalent or (B) consider human life to be iered in terms of importance.

Regardless, it's not racism.

Well, if I say we should treat immigrants not equal to natives I am called racist, even though technically that's not correct, so I am sure you know the message I am trying to send.

And why can't I draw the analogy?

I must not believe animals to be equivalent to humans, just because I think it's wrong to kill or test on them. That's a ridiculous claim.

Why do you value other mammals so low that you allow torture and killing of them for the benefit of humans?