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If that is truly from the official script, the movie has a chance. The writing seems quite good. It looks like could turn out to be a good movie. Dallinor, I think Gears of War having a wafer-thin plot will work to the movies advantage. The movie can fill in the details that the game did not. Not only that, the there will be less for the movie to contradict. I think a Metal Gear Solid move would be much more difficult to pull off. Kojima goes into great detail in the MGS series. A lot of that detail would have to be change, removed, or glossed over to fit MGS into a two hour movie. Thats the problem with most game movies. They change, gloss over, or ignore too much of what made the game popular. As long as Uwe Boll stays away from Gears of War, it at least has the chance of being watchable. I would suggest they get a hold of Chris Nolan, Bryan Singer, or Sam Raimi if they want the to turn out well though.