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Khuutra said:
noname2200 said:
Metallicube said:
Wow.. is this serious? 

I'm seriously wondering this. I think there are good odds that this whole thing is a deliberate troll of their own audience, a sort of Rick-Roll (sic) on their userbase, if you will. They've certainly assembled the perfect team for it, and they seem to be deliberately hitting all the notes that would offend a large chunk of their own audience. I can almost picture the checklist. You don't do that if you have any brains to speak of, so either they're complete and utter idiots, or it's an elaborate hoax.

If Peer doesn't fire the lot by the end of the week, I'll have to conclude it's the latter.

Peer's still there? Jesus Christ

Is Doug there too?

How can they let this stuff go said?

Peer's the head of IGN's editorial stuff now. I enjoy listening to him still, on the few occasions when he speaks up, but sadly he's mostly in the background nowadays.

Doug, I'm not so sure about.

As to that last part...ratings? I honestly don't know: Peer at least doesn't share their opinions about many things (or if he does, he's not stupid enough to shout them at every opportunity). Maybe he's just facing a severe lack of available talent, and has to make do with what he's got? Lord knows they probably don't pay well at IGN.