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Hehe, jjseth, I'm glad my crowd wasn't like that. We were all pretty cold because we put away our chairs and blankets at 4 am, because that's when the employees started coming in.

I forgot to drink all of my hot chocolate, and in a half hour it was frozen hehe.

But yeah, they slowly trickled 25 people at a time...I just casually walked to my item and checked out, it was nice.

The back of the line was scary though...there were lots of people back there who thought they were getting that $300 laptop or that cheap printer, etc...I almost felt sorry for them, but they did go a bit crazy after the vouchers got handed out...the manager had to yell at them to get back in line, because they were just swarming in circles trying to get their hands on a voucher.

I got a few hours of sleep though, and I thoroughly enjoyed my Thanksgiving.  All in the name of saving some bucks hehe. 

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )