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I have the game and beat it twice, at first the game is very challeging the knights and the dragons, but after some leveling up and managing to know enemy atacks the game is more easy, every boss exept a few have tricks that you can beat them with no much problems the game have bosses and enemies that even if you are  at 100 + level It will kill you with one hit so managing to know right metod to kill him is a plus. Beat the game twice first on white then on black tendency the game became more harder in the second play and if you play it in dark tendecy is even much harder, because demond are more agresive and hit harder, and a few monsters apppears in dark form so they are very tought, if you are  a strawvery kind of layer ask for help when starting a boss fight if not play it offline or like me online for invading or getting invaded, online is much fun, but is more rewarding you beat the bosses by yourself. Beware of NPC black phantoms they are much harder than even the arch demons.