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I think you guys are missing the bill on what Ron Paul wants to do. He wants to put as many troops as he can back not everyone. Our fighting force would be halved in Iraq there would still be plenty of support. And how about the other 129 countries we are "protecting." Seriously we aren't protecting jack. We are forcing our values and beliefs around the world. 

The way I see it this country with it's current leadership and 90% of all candidates running for office we are basically playing the role of Germany before WWII when Hitler was taking over Poland and the other countries. The only major difference is that we aren't stapling the United States of America on each country we are in. Grant it there are some countries where we aren't doing that but no matter how we slice it we are doing it in all regions of this planet.

Another way we are like Germany in WWII is that our military is spread so thin right now that if a country invaded tomorrow we would barely be able to hold off until our military actually arrives to save our arses. Our borders are way to weak right now. 

Frankly we need a leader that will fix this country, taxes need to be cut, our world protection need to end, we need to get our money back from every country that borrowed from us, we need to tax imports harder, open our oil reserves to cut fuel prices or force a move to alternate fuels like hydrogen or straight air power, and pull us out of 7 trillion dollar hole. 

Name one democrat that has the abilty and mind set to pull half of all that off. Name one republican other then paul would. name one candidate that gives a damn about our country and not how they look on stage that can actually lead this country correctly. I dont want some damn retarded b**ch, or a guy who cross-dressed and cheated on 2 of his wives.  I want someone who has knowlegde and real world experience.

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