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So... here we are 3 years after the Wii launched...

I think it's pretty clear that it's not just a fad, that its sales didn't tank, yada yada... but how is the "Revolution" doing otherwise?


It was code named Revolution, obviously due to the unique control scheme... but I'm not sure it has really lived up to that reputation (sales aside).  We have our classic Nintendo games (Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros) with waggle added... but really these games control just like they would on standard controllers.  The motion control adds little or nothing to the experience.

I will give credit to driving (Mario Kart) and FPS (Metroid, COD, MOH) games for actually utilizing the motion controls.  Mario Kart Wii is playable with a joystick, but more fun with a wheel.  And Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy control infinitely better (IMO) than their Gamecube counterparts.  I also primarily play FPS on PC, so I have a particular disdain for the dual analog setup, but the Wiimote works for me.

Then there's the mini-game collections.  Wii Sports started it all... and IMO has yet to be topped... the games are subtly deep as far as controls go, but there's no "campaign" mode type offering or unlockables to keep you coming back for more, just multiplayer.  Then there's the Mario/Sonic titles, Wario, Mario Party... all fun games in a party atmosphere, but not much entertainment on your own.


So, the system is obviously a revolution in terms of sales and turning Nintendo around after 3rd place with the GameCube, but in terms of games, I feel all we're getting is:

1.  "Waggle added" games where shaking the controller is merely substituted for pressing a button
2.  FPS/Driving games with better (read: More fun) controls than their analog joystick counterparts
3.  Minigame collections


So I guess that's partially a revolution.  I think I expected to see more games with the motion controls as a key gameplay mechanic (Project Hammer?), rather than an afterthought or just minigame collection.
