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No single belief system is close to what I believe about the world.

At the same there are really only three belief systems anyway since Christ was the son of a Jewish carpenter and is revered by over 1 billion people, and since the Koran instructs Muslims to respect people of the book.

Belief system one is basically "The Bible".  Then you either accept Jesus and or Mohammed, or you reject both of them.

Belief system two is the Hindu/Buddhist ideology.  Buddhism is similar to Christianity in that it attempts to remove the religously limiting legal restrictions from the older religion.

The last system is essentially just the rejection of the other two branches of ideology completely.

If I had to pick I'd nominally go along with the original thinkers.  So I'd take Greek logic, Jewish ideas about the nature of life, and Hindu ideas about the systematics behind the nature of life.

Doesn't really matter to me though since I don't really care why the universe or life exist...just kind of happy that they do.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu