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Imagine if the Wii was in HD already. The other consoles would have failed. They already have more exclusives/1st party games, if it was in HD they would have WAY more 3rd party support like Modern Warfare, OrangeBox, Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Grand Theft Auto, Street Fighter IV, Prototype etc. and their 1st party games would look better.

You know I'm right. But it didn't happen :P. It just needed better online support, bigger harddrive space, and HD. You know they're going to put all that in the next console, it's going to own for sure. THEY MADE BANK OFF A CHEAP CONSOLE (gamecube with motion control)$$$$.


But then you think about it. Maybe it sold well because it was cheaper than the other consoles. The first holiday sales, most people wouldn't spend $600 or $400 on anyone.


*-* 1 more year...