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A strong Athiest according to Stof.

And like Stof, if I had a 'God experience' I would question my sanity rather than believe in a God.

Does orginized religion need to exist? Why cant we believe in what we want? If you want to believe in God thats fine, but I think all this labelling people christians, muslims, hindus, athiests etc is just creating hate between people that have never met.

Look at the Catholic - Protestant war in Ireland (ended now). Thousands of lives could have been saved if people werent labelled Catholic or Protestant.

I agree with the christain religion on some things, I disagree on most. People can believe in the Bible without calling themselves a christian, the same applies to other religous texts such as the Koran. I believe this way of thinking would of saved millions of lives in the past and could save millions of lives in the future.