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ah yes, when you change something in the weekly charts (like say just to see the PSP games) it changes it with each new thing you choose.... If you want to change the console and the publisher you have to do one at a time and wait for it to load the page again each time.
It needs something like the comparison charts...where you choose what to change in the drop down boxes, then click "compare" (or some form of "go" button)

Also hardware shipment update? *sad eyes* i am wondering what you will be doing now with the Sony 5.5 number?....i reckon it should be changed to the 3.7 (or whatever number it was) and then update to September.


otherwise no complaints, I mean we have Monthly charts so i don't understand what everyone is on about....I am not really interested in the prelim Jp charts personally so i don't want prelim American..... and i know European charts would probably be adding double the time and effort put in than the rest of the site requires.