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stranne said:
I'd still say that at least SSBB, SMG and Mario Kart Wii will outsell Halo 3. High hardware sales for the Wii will result in really long "legs". But of course it will take a while.

First off I want to just speculate that many wii owners are not used to pre ordering games.

Second I am a wii owner. I have found that the games I want are always understocked and I have to wait for them. (i refuse to pre order myself)

Third, lots of wii owners do not visit game sites, or get a game magazine. Therefore they are not as aware when new releases happen.


This has been leading to games that don't sell well over the first week but continue to sell throughout the lifetime of the game. Take almost ANY wii game and you will see this! This is why many people feel like stranne does and are probably right. 

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