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Understand that in this generation no console will obliterate the other two .Even if the Wii was the best sold it wont be called the "greatest " due to its technical limitations and developers will stick to PS3-PC-360 developments for their bid budget games .The X360 cant wipe out the PS3 as it does crap in Europe and Japan and for some 20% more in cost the developers can bring out a PS3 version and sell some addittional hundreds of thousands units .And the PS3 cant wipe out the 360 as it is much behind in NA and Microsoft is churning out massive amounts of money to secure exclusives (even temporal ones ) and wont let its machine to die for that reason .

So with the three machines here to stay you should maybe learn to know each and its strong and weak points and love every one of them .As your "hated " console is the PS3 right now maybe you should look at its free online service ,Home community ,games as Uncharted ,Ratchet and upcomings as Little Big Planet and MGSIV and FFXIII to get some taste of its exclusive lineup and personality of the system.Also the multiplattform games on it bring some money to developers to help them create the follow ups to those games that you may be loving on your 360 right now so its actively helping those developers and giving a userbase for those to bring games on as well as your machine .Also ,many PS3 games are susceptible to be released later on the 360 as Virtua Fighter 5 ,others as Bladestorm were announced for PS3 and later ported to X360 .So ,not being so different machines after all and existing a possibility to port games from one to the other it isnt such a threat .