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Super Mario Land, and Super Mario Land 2, did not score very high with the reviews at Game Rankings. Super Mario Land got 74.2%, and Super Mario Land 2 got a marginally better, 75.1%, which are both slaps in the faces, for Mario games. I consider anything over 80% to be "good." There were not too many reviews for both games, so maybe it's just a coincidence that those few who reviewed both games, did not happen to like them. Super Mario Sunshine got 91.7% on Game Rankings, which definitely owns the Super Mario Land games. I'm sure very few people would actually choose the Super Mario Land games, over Sunshine, for the average percentage of the Mario Land games are just too low below Sunshine. So, now we pretty much have confirmed Super Mario Sunshine to be better than Super Mario Land, Super Mario Land 2, and Doki Doki... I mean, Super Mario Land 2 U.S.A... Which is not a Mario game... I don't care if there are Mario characters in it... It is not a Mario game... Now, most would say that Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World, and Super Mario Bros. 3 are better than Super Mario Sunshine. I would also assume that more people would choose the "real" Super Mario Bros. 2 over Sunshine, because it is so similar to the original masterpiece, despite being much harder. I'm not sure how many would choose New Super Mario Bros. over Sunshine, but apparently, it's definitely more than one. If all is confirmed, than there are pretty much, only 6 Mario games, greater than Sunshine. Personally, Sunshine is probably one of my favorite Mario games, but never-the-less, I definitely like every single one... Except Super Mario Fake Bros... Good platformer... Bad excuse for a Mario game...