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Kwaad said:

With The release of the new mario, all the Nintedo guys are screaming. VICTORY. We have a game at the #1 spot!

 First of all, I would like to say, that Nintendo has 73% the consoles as Microsoft does. Comparing the Wii to the 360. That truely isnt that big of a diffrence, considering the sheer number of 360 consoles that dont work, are 2 years old, and not in use, and people who now own more than one. I would say that there are more 'active' nintendo consoles in USA than there are Microsoft. Go nintendo! GO! Your winning! You have more people playing your games!

 That's what it seems like, from console sales. In terms of game sales... OMFG WTF.

2,191,361 Weekly sales for nintendo for the games. That is including 384,843 games, for free, or 'budget' price.

2,358,209 Weekly sales for microsoft.


I would just like to point out. Nintendo appears to have a 'higher' attach ratio. But when you dont count The 'Wii' Titles, of Sports, and Play. The picture gets a little bit uglier. I would also like to point out, that nintendo just released the most anticipated game for the console, since release, AND planned for the next 2 years. What do I mean by that? This mario game was the game everyone was waiting for when they first got their Wii. This is the game that wont be beat for years. This is the most anticipated game for the console in the near future. Mario is to Nintendo as Halo is to Microsoft.

Halo3 Outsold Mario by over 3TIMES on the first week. Considering the number of consoles still in use, I have to give credit to nintendo. I am 100% positive, they have more consoles in use than Microsoft. Yet, somehow, Microsoft can still outsell Nintendo in games, every week. Even the week of the biggest release of the console, Nintendo cant pass microsoft. I hate to say this. I love my PS3, and I dont have a 360. I hate microsoft, probibally more than any of you. Sub 1million sales for Mario is not good. It's horrible. Why are people not buying games? After Week 1. Mario has an attach ratio of about 15%. (I didnt do the math, it's not exact) halo after week one had an attach ratio of 50%... to a console, DOUBLE the age. (that means it is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH harder to get the high attach ratios)

I would also like to point out, that 1million sales for a AAAA (yes 4A) titles, at this time of year... is HORRIBLE. I understand it will sell more before the end of the year, but that is actually not that high considering the game, it's profile, the press, the consoles popularity.

I'm not doom saying the Wii, but As I see it now, Nintendo is getting their asses handed to them by microsoft.

Sony is sitting back, and doing everything they can do to get market share back. They suck at the moment. Leave them out of it.




However, I might tell the new guys that this complaints are not new, he discredited the Wii because of its low attach rate already back in february. In fact, he knows exactly that his arguments can't stand a real test but he just likes to start flame wars and then walk away silently.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)