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Tetsuo Shima said:
FJ-Warez said:

Since nobody around here knows you, the only thing we can say for sure, is LOL...

Everyone here try to mock me. All these lol's. FJ I've seen you... and I'm the one who say LOL.

The best thing is I didn't try to be cocky with this sentence about girls... just tried to back my arguments... Sheesh

I think you are getting a little grumpy, you know...

Firts, you are the one making pointless claims...

Second, I really enjoy this comunity and thats why I posted that picture, I dont feel betrayed, bad or anything like that if somebody laughs about me in that photo, thats part of forums, internet, and friendship in general you know... in fact if somebody around here gets an smile 'cause of my picture, great...

And third, there is no need to be grumpy, hard, and make that kind of statements... (Yeah, the one about how strong you are, and how you are going to making pudding anyone anytime...)


Take it easy man... boy... teenager???

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."