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SaviorX said:
Procrastinato said:
SaviorX said:
Procrastinato said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

4. You actually think putting a third of the big games on the Wii ISN'T a suggestion for that? Oh, yeah, costing just over 1/2 instead of 1/4 magically stops the games from being profitable.

This is just the same logic twisting as those companies use to aoivd the Wii. You're just as delusional as they are when presented with the simple facts (1/2 HD > /1/4 HD , but ignoring that 1 HD > 1/2 HD).

That's exactly right.  I'm "just as delusional" as the 3rd parties are, when I can see that spending 1/2 as much, on development only, on 2 Wii titles is not going to make me as much money as spending the whole sum on one HD title -- just from analysis of the successful "hardcore", targetted demographic titles on the Wii thusfar.  I'm "just as delusional" in thinking that the blue ocean is, by nature, a large compilation of demographic sets which only overlap, to make a significant sum, in a couple genres, like "casual" and "party".

"Namco Bandai Holdings President Takeo Takasu said rising development costs for next-generation games mean companies need to sell at least 500,000 copies in order to make a profit. Mr. Takasu said graphics for PS3 games can cost nearly $9 million to create — more than double the price tag for Wii titles."

"It was estimated in 2005 that only 80 games a year make a profit. Development costs in the next generation are set to rise from $3 -$6 million per title to $6-$10 million, with some cases surpassing $20 million. Licensed games, such as Madden NFL or James Bond titles, generate about 23% more revenue than original content."


"Game development on the seventh generation consoles typically requires a budget of around $10 million or more and according to IDC analyst Billy Pidgeon. "You might be able to weather one title coming in at 500,000 in sales," he said. "But two or three failures like that and even big publishers are going to be hurting." David Jones, who's worked on some of the industry's iconic titles such as Grand Theft Auto and Crackdown said he'd struggle to make an online game with a budget less than $20 million."

"Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot has predicted game budgets will rise to an average of USD 60 million in the future. Games for Xbox 360 and PS3 cost between USD 20 million and USD 30 million to make. Leading on from this, an Ubisoft executive gave a breakdown of the company's average development costs per game - with a DS title costing between 500,000 to 1,000,000 euros ($785,000-$1.57m), PS3/Xbox 360/PC titles averaging 12 million to 18 million euros ($18.8m-$28.2m) to create for all 3 SKUs, and a Wii game expected to cost 5 million to 6 million euros ($7.8-$9m) to develop."


You need more? 

Yeah, those are Ubisoft numbers, right?

Show us the list of all those awesome Ubisoft Wii games, each of which cost $7.8-$9M to develop, and their sales #s?

Don't try and pull that on me. I mentioned MORE than just Ubisoft.

This is what I meant. That user just twists facts presented to avoid actual discussion.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs