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johnlucas said:
mesoteto said:
resident evil and will we see something like 4--only new made for the wii?

Oh you mean my "Resident Evil 5 made with Wii in mind" prediction from a little while back.

Count on it. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition was the test. A 2 year old game being rereleased only with Wii controls and selling pretty well despite it being released previously?

Yeah. Capcom is looking to make Resident Evil 5 with Wii in mind first & I wouldn't even be surprised if it would be exclusive to Wii though it could still be multiplatform with another setup designed for PS3 & XBox 360.

Monster Hunter 3 jumping ship lets you know where Capcom stands with Nintendo.

John Lucas 

Capcom was lazy,

any how just like COD3 was a test. Cod4 is not on the wii..

