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Source (from ps3 center of all places)

he Nintendo Wii is the hottest selling console this holiday season, there is no secret to that. This is highly evident after it sold through 1,400 units on Amazon in 10 minutes.

Dixonx online has reported that Amazon sold through 1,500 Wii consoles in only ten minutes, selling thousands more on Wednesday.

The website stated that many people in the UK are trying to get their hands on a Wii console for Christmas but many of them have not yet been successful. The same story goes for the United States as holiday shoppers have been turned away left and right trying to get their hands on the Nintendo next-gen console.

The console is being sold on auction sites such as eBay already for double the retail price.

Trevor Bish-Jones, CEO of Woolworths, stated "There is a steady flow of Wiis into the country between now and Christmas. It will not be enough to meet all consumer demand but is sufficient for retailers to enjoy good levels of sales in the run-up to Christmas."

It seems that the Wii is not only impossible to find in North America, but out in Europe as well.