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HappySqurriel said:

With 45 Million PS2s sold the PS2 only sold 984,598 pieces of software
With 16 Million Nintendo DS' sold the DS only sold 830,485 pieces of software
With 10 Million PSP systems sold the PSP only sold 323,307 pieces of software

The fact of the matter is that most gamers are not obesessive enough to buy more than a couple games a year; if they own a system long enough (say 5 years) they will end up with a library of 20 or so games. Systems which have reached a mainstream market rarely have a (particularly) strong attach rate ...

 What?  I think your numbers are way, way off.  If what you stated were true, then Halo 3 sold in one week three times more than the entire PS2 library sold in 5 years.  I think you're missing a few zeros. 


But your point is well taken.  The majority of gamers are casual who buy 3-5 games over the life of a system.  That's why the 360's unheard of attach rate of close to 6 is pretty amazing but not surprising considering the system has the most games, and the most well reviewed games.