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Kwaad said:
Game_boy said:

I just own a Wii, and I too am worried about the low attach rate for "real" games. Yes, the arguments for including the two games (outside Japan) are valid, but it looks to me like there are two audiences with me: "super-casual", which never buy any games after Sports, Play and one bad movie tie-in, and me, who buys all the first-party games. It's like Gamecube, but disguised. In this respect, Microsoft stands to make a lot of money in the future from massive third-party game sales, while Nintendo will calm to near-Gamecube profits after the hardware, uh, "fad", is over.

Sales of Wii Fit, MKWii and SSBB will deterime if the super-casual audience ever buys games. If not, it looks like I'll have to buy 10,000 copies of Advance Wars DS 2 to persuade them to continue with core franchises.

I wasnt doom-saying it like that.. but overall that is my point. There truely arent many games being bought for it. That's what amazes me. There just arent many 'real' games being sold.

Gee could the lack of games have anything to do with the fact the Wii was written off as a clear loser by intolerant people and that games take about a year to develop anything meaningful.. hmm I think it could I think it could!