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Tetsuo Shima said:
Faxanadu said:

uhoh, the cool cat is here. this is not about: im cool, i f&ck anything that has a heartbeat. wanna compare di&%s?

Get real man. I don't care if you believe me or not. This topic just touches the matter which really makes me sick. I know one thing dude if you face me you will just move aside without a word. It's enough for me. We are in the net though and you can keep this crap as long as you want.

ha ha!, if someone faced me i would be more likeley to move aside if they were older than me or a young child out of common courtesy, if some 16yo tried some lame attempt at staring me down i would not move....and tbh a lot of 16 year old are probably bigger than me (i'm 20 and weigh 60kg/9st)