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Procrastinato said:

There was no 2nd gunman.

Sorry, couldn't help it, with all the "3rd party Anti-Wii Conspiracy" talk.

Why can't you guys accept 3rd party upsetness over Wii revenue and demographics and try to understand that they are businessmen, not conspirators, nor are they chuckleheads who don't know how to analyze the market.

Believing that you know more than the folks who run these places is... mighty big talk. Seriously, you guys should start your own -- if your ideas are sound enough, you'll go the distance, right?  In the interests of actual business analysis, I suggest you take these folks words for what they are, rather than cooking up conspiracy theories, and approaching the problem from that perspective.

I find that part funny because their analysts haven't been very accurate at all.  I'm not an analyst and hindsight is 20/20, but some of the things they've come up with this gen have been laughable at best.  Also to the point about them being businessmen... their businesses aren't doing too well right now for some reason.

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