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Smothering a woman will not make them not cheat. They need their own space and you need your own. Be careful when dating younger women. Alot of times they will change and not be the woman they were when you met them and they then turn to some other guy. If they do that. Dump them. Make them feel horrible for what they did. And hey, if you can, sleep with there mom, best female friend, sister, etc. Be seen by her with someone way more beautiful to make her think that she screwed up. When she comes crawling back and apologizing, tell her that she made the choice to end the relationship by cheating and that it will never work because you can't trust her.

I'm a nice guy, but I'm also very confident and they know that I'm a hell of a great guy and that they'd be hard pressed to find someone better. And for the 16 year old Don Juan, there is no way you have been with more women then me. I'd bet I have your number beat in 6 months time compared to your entire sexual history. But that's not what this thread is about.

What those who have been hurt by a woman because of something like this is to immediately go out and bang some female as soon as possible. Work out that anger into a hell of a great sexual experience. Then after you are done with her, move onto the next girl you want to date. Once you start dating her, dick-motize her. Give it to her so damn good that she can't help but to wake up the entire neighborhood from that. Don't be pushy, just be confident. Be understanding, but set boundries. Be open in the things you talk about, no matter what it is. She asks you how many women you have been with. Lie, and say it's about 25. (or go lower if she's fairly young and been with only a few guys, and if you can, beat her to the punch by asking her that question before she asks you. That way you know what to base your lie on and adjust your number appropriately. ) If I told her what the number really was, she'd be scared crapless and think I spent a few years being a prosititute for women and had a social disease.

Don't be an asshole, but be an ass once in a while. ;) There is a difference guys.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.