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Kwaad said:
I was just saying the 4 GameCubes as joke. If you seriously think I think that is what nintedo would do, or what-not... yeah. I do think that when console sales start to drop, as they will when PS3/360 prices continue to slide down. Now I'm not saing be cheaper than the Wii. But as their prices keep comming down, the same type of games start showing up on the PS3/360, look better, just becuase of the HD, it's going to be an impressive battle for the Wii. And it's gonna be a hard one. That is when I think Nintendo will release a new, likely more online 'centric' Wii based platform, that will surpass the Wii in most ways, yet, still remain a Wii at heart, and then bring it into the market aimed more at gamers, and due to the mass market, game designer support, and overall market support, the Wii will win the battle once and for all, without the Wii at all. You guys speak of the Wii winning this generation. The PS2 outsold the X-box+GameCube 2 to 1. The Wii managed that last week, for once. The Wii is far from the domination of sales as the PS2, and when I say that, the 360, and PS3, are growing in a percentage of sales compared to the Wii. That means that the Wii is loosing weekly console sales market share. What does that mean? if anything the Wii is already loosing it's #1 console sales spot. In the long term, the Wii will die down. Overall it's what I've been saying since july. Wii-Failure begins 2008. :) And now I give my laptop to my wife to watch some porn or something.

i am confused...isnt the wii having a better launch cycle then the ps2?