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superchunk said:
I don't want to read through all of the posts. But for my two cents I don't think the comparison between the 360 and any other console in terms of software sales is valid at this point and time. Here's why.

It has been out longer. In a consoles first year you are bound to have smaller attach rates, why? Because people just paid for the console. So, in 360's first year you had them spending $600 or so for the machine, xtra controller, and 1-2 games. Then at best most of these folks probably didn't buy a game for at least 6 months. Now, a year later these same people are probably spending another $400 or so on games. Thus, dramatically increasing 360's attach rate.

The Wii is really no different. People go out and spend $400 or so on the Wii, accessories, and 1-2 games beyond Wii Sports. Plus, you have the uber casual gamers who may have just Wii Sports and Play. They definitely won't buy another game right away. To them spending $400 is enough for now. Now a year will go by and then they will probably buy another $200-300 in games and BAM!! Wii's attach rate exceeds 360's due to the much larger install base by then.

We must remember. Most of us on this site are not casual gamers. Our spending habits of 10+ games a year is not normal or not what most gamers do. Most game shoppers will buy MAYBE 5 games in a year max. First year is probably only 2 due to cost of console and controllers. I think Wii is doing very well at this stage and if someone has the time and ability to research would realize it is definitely outselling 360's first year software sales.
Hehehe , I want some recongnition. Kwaad read. Its more on topic that your current flame war.