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Kwaad said:
dtewi said:
Kwaad said:
naznatips said:

You are comparing the Wii's first year software sales to the 360's second year software sales in a country where there are more 360s sold to try and say the Wii is in trouble. Then, you go on to use Mario (a game that sells with legs) to Halo (a game that sells first week and has short legs) to show the Wii is in trouble. There is something truly special in this comparison Kwaad.

Let's start with Mario. Mario 64 sold about 6.6 million lifetime in North America. Halo 2 sold about the same. Halo 3 is currently selling under Halo 2's NA sales at this point in it's life. SMG blew away Mario 64's week 1 sales in NA. Yet you have come to the brilliant conclusion that Super Mario Galaxy is a failure while Halo 3 is a booming success... for the record, both are booming successes at this point.

Second, attach ratio means much less than profit and overall sales. The 360 is a second year system that is experiencing massive losses. The Wii is a first year system that's experiencing huge amounts of success and profit. Now, let's break down all the things that affect profit. We have two main factors. Sales, and cost of development. In your infinite wisdom you seem to have chosen to ignore the second factor here. The cost of development for a 360 game is much more than a Wii game. Therefore, the Wii game needs to sell much less to make money than the 360 game. The cost of development for a PS3 game is even more than a 360 game. A PS3 game has to sell much much more than a Wii or 360 game to make a profit.

So, if we are looking at profit: Nintendo makes a profit on hardware. Nintendo makes a profit on software. dozens of games have made profit on the Wii, despite it only being in its first year and software quality being questionable at best. Dozens of games have made profit on the 360 because it's in its second year and has a lot of quality titles which have sold very well, but the system overall has been a huge dip in the red for Microsoft other than the very very very small profit they pulled in last quarter from massive Halo 3 sales.

Ah but here is the fun part. How many games do you think have made a profit on the PS3 Kwaad? How much of anything has made a profit on the PS3? It's okay for the Wii to have a lower attach rate because it has a higher userbase and cost/time of development is much lower, but how about the PS3? The monstrous system which requires 2 years minimum to make a game and 3-4 years to make a good game (FFXIII). The system that has the highest development costs of the 3 by far. The system that still only has 2 million sellin games on it after a full year on the market. Less than the Gamecube did. Huge budget titles like Ratchet & Clank and Heavenly Sword and Lair are flopping. Each of which probably costs more than double what it cost to make SMG and yet combined have sold less than half what SMG did in 2 weeks.

What system is really in trouble here Kwaad?

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen.



 Due to hardware limitations, the Wii will never be truely able to do what it was designed to do, and becuase of that a Wii2, or something else is likely to come in the next 3-4 years, while the PS3, and 360, will still be being sold. And thus, the Wii will be the first to go, becuase of hardware. 

It isn't supply limitation it is demand overload.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you