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LordTheNightKnight said:
"Sorry, couldn't help it, with all the "3rd party Anti-Wii Conspiracy" talk."

We aren't claiming this is a conspiracy. That's just a strawman. We're talking about a bunch of people who are stuck in a mindset.

Of course.  You have to ask yourself if its they who are stuck, or if its you, though.  That's my point.

What I see here, on the forums, are a "bunch of people who are stuck in a mindset", just as your claim the publishers/devs are.  Seriously consider that for a moment, and your foresight may become much clearer, with regards to the Wii, and its future -- and perhaps more importantly, future console generations.

Is it that 3rd parties aren't pushing Wii software hard enough, or is it that the Wii targets casual/kids ("blue ocean"), and nothing more, which is what the 3rd parties are actually struggling with?


I agree that 3rd parties should be putting more effort into making quality casual games for the Wii.  They have yet to learn that "1/4th" the price of a HD console game makes... basically garbage, unless you're really lucky with some tiny, nubile developer (who hasn't moved on, to wanting a bigger budget, yet), and that even casuals can "smell garbage".  They should avoid making traditional demographic games for the Wii like the plague, however.  They will never succeed, unless the brand is already grossly popular (i.e. CoD, or Madden -- in other words, its a known commodity to the casual audience), and even then, only so much.  New "hardcore" IPs on the Wii... will never work outside of Japan, where the casual and hardcore markets crossover much, much more -- even there its a risk, because Japan just isn't all that big.

If EA, Ubisoft, etc. made only a couple casual Wii games each quarter, they'd be doing much better (assuming they were big projects).  The "1/4th budget" BS will only produce profit once in a blue moon -- they need to stop relying on the assumption that "the Wii is cheap".  1/2 HD budget... sure, maybe.  1/4th?  Makes crap.