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r505Matt said:

2 things I really like about your post.

A) That mech game sounds fun =P

B) You're actually trying to come up with some way that Natal could do this, unlike most people that say 'this could work' or 'I don't want a nod of my head to turn off the TV'. I think, so long as there isn't this lag issue people are crying about, that your idea could work well. As for whether it makes it more efficient, I don't know, it might need something more/else.

I wouldn't be surprised if you could program certain motions as shortcuts, not to mention you should be able to set sensitivity.

An idea I had, instead of motions, voice commands. Think of those movies and TV shows "Computer, make me coffee". You could start with something people don't say normally (like Natal, or whatever the final product name is) and then say a command. It's not like you would say Natal 20 times in a normal conversion, so it shouldn't interfere with talking. Also, you could set sensivity as well for that, so maybe you want Natal to pick up your voice even if you're fairly quiet, or you want to need to speak louder to input commands. Some of it is kind of silly, but it definitely gives a futuristic feel. The ONLY way this works though is if the voice-recognition is FAR superior to what's on the market today. "Call Becka" Phone says/shows on screen "Did you mean Jonathon?" haha.

Or a mix of voice and gestures. Depth/motion sensing, voice commands, there are plenty of possibilities. My one worry about whether it could really work or not has to do with lag. I know most people are saying it wouldn't be over 100 ms of lag, but if its over eve 50 ms, it will be very annoying. But we'll have to wait and see, I am excited about the potential/possibilities though.

Yeah, I am just throwing ideas out there.  They might or might not work.  I thought that was what forums were for.  Throw ideas and have people provide feedback.  I appreciate positive and negative feedback, but only if they provide reasoning.

My idea would basically be transforming the tv into a touch screen interface.  The use of two hands could provide even more tactile control, especially if viewing pictures, or a browser.  No need for that clunky mouse and keyboard or analog stick to control the browser.  Move your hand in to click and then drag just like a touch screen.  Use two hands to perform zooms.  There could even be a virtual keyboard.  The only thing is the lack of a browser on the 360 :)  It could even make use of multiple people doing things at the same time.  This would only be for specific applications, like a puzzle game or collaborative work software.

And I think this could be faster than a remote.  Menu items could be directly clicked instead of scrolled to.  People would get very good at this and become used to where the button on screen matches to where there hand needs to be.  Much like you know how to move a mouse and click, people would become very efficient at how to move their hands.  And no more searching for the remote under the couch cushion or the trigger button on the 360 controller fast forwarding your movie when the cat run across it :)


EDIT:  And yeah, there could be shortcuts or more efficient additions to this basic concept.  Voice being an obvious one.  Also, I think Kodu said something about Natal being at most or under 100ms by release.  That isn't great, but it isn't a deal breaker.