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SaviorX said:
z101 said:

Another shovelware producer moves on to PS3/xbox360. :) It seems the Wii User, even the casual ones, are buying more quality software and show cold shoulder to shovelware.

And the Wii gets more and more topgames from third-parties in 2010, like Monster Hunter 3, Red Steel 2, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams, Arc Rise Fantasia, Tales of Graces, Dragon Quest X, Samurai Warriors 2, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers, The Sky Crawlers, Epic Mickey etc. etc.

And only ONE of those is from a Western company. That is another issue on its own.

dont open that bag of worms...that wont be changing anytime soon, and scew western developers anyway...they make junk and are key when comes to markets saturation