Khuutra said: Nah. Right now he's a Wizard, and he needs an alignment of 10-35 to become a Mage. After that it's just items to make him a Sorcerer and then a Lich. Does making him a Lich kill him in story terms, by the way? |
Not that I recall, but you don't have to use an undead ring on him if you want to keep him "alive" for role playing purposes. You could just as easily use the undead ring on any mage you have, since becoming a Lich makes the unit almost invulnurable to everything you don't really need to promote your best mage unit. I personally thought that the Lich unbalanced the game too much (less so in OB:64 because the Lich is a little more vulnerable). In this game, a Lich has better defense against every type of attack then every other unit in the game, most physical/fire/ice/dark/earth attacks take away 1 hit point. It's a good idea to pair your lich unit with a flying unit since a unit of angels/seraphs will catch you if you try to flee. So basically 1 imp/demon/devil unit 1 lich and 3 ghost/phantom units are unbeatable by nearly every unit in the game. You basically can outrun all threatening units (other than a gryphon/cleric pairing, which doesn't exist, I think) and since this unit has low ALI, you don't have any fear letting this unit level up really high and steam roll every level.