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I agree with the sentiment that the 3rd parties have completely lost their marbles over the Wii. At the same time we get threads like this at least once a day. The fact is unless their in denial (like these publishers) most of the vgchartz users agree with this too, it seems that this true even if they are fans of the PS360 (which will repeately tell you to go buy a HD platform even though many of us have one already, which is missing the point btw). 

All I want to see is good games on the Wii, I don't care if it gets ports from the HD twins, in fact I'd rather it have it's own unique titles. But I'd at least like these titles to have the same kinda effort put into them as the ones on the HD platforms.

On to me actually making a point. The point is we are are vocal minority, we can complain about how the third parties are in their own little world all we want but they probably don't post or lurk on vgchartz, unfortunately.