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they have it set in their minds what they think works on the Wii and what doesn't. when their ideas fail they could not possible blame themselves or their analysts. they blame us. one of the only companies who is even half-heartedly trying is activision. at least they give us their calls of duty with only a little tweaking (even if it is a year late).
EA acted like they were going to try. they pretended they were going to make a PS360 game for the Wii. but then they destroyed those hopes by making it a rail shooter, instantly turning many people off from the game. then they called it their test game, even though it was nothing like the game they would have made for the PS360.
sega is giving a valiant effort by publishings games like madworld and the conduit. unfortunately those games just weren't that good. they wouldn't have done well on PS360 either.
all we need is one or two efforts to actually create something worth playing.
give us a real GTA. im sure the vice city engine would run just fine on the Wii.
give us a real, quality, FPS. or else nintendo will have to make my most anticipated game: Mario Paintball Arena. its probably up to nintendo to carry the Wii now. i say nintendo should just buy up a couple more studios. their first party games are leagues ahead of any 3rd party attempts on the Wii.