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"Well when it costs 10 million$ to develop a game the market does tend to be less saturated by shovelware.."

This isn't about less shovelware on those systems.

"option A: the wii with less then 50% market share (which over this year was shrinking) with a fan base they don't understand how to develop games for."

1. Marketshare does not make a game sell less or more unless the gap is huge, and you're ignoring that it's a close gap.

2. Except they do know how to develop games, they just don't want to do it. I pointed out point blank that a game from a hit series, with all the attention and care as the HD games, will make a hit. That isn't an unpredictable fanbase. That's just ignoring they can repeat that winning formula on the Wii.

"complain all you want but that wave a 3rd party support everyone was clamoring about a year or two ago isn't coming."

Except those companies are losing money by not supporting the Wii (NOT that they can't make games for the other systems, just don't neglect the Wii). So we have every right to complain, not only for the lack of support, but for the brazen stupidity.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs