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There was this time when reviews were really reviews and they even had pictured walkthroughs from first stage of the game and you really could say whether you liked the game or not. But now (atleast in Finland) reviews consist from a screenshot or two, one or two PR pictures and the reviewer joking about the game, basically describing the game by saying the game is similar with it's precessor/game X. What if i haven't played the game mentioned? Or the TV shows, all they do is base their review on how hyped the is.

@johnlucas: Shadowrun was great, my experience was shadowed by the SCN version being only in swedish, which i can't speak. Although, that game has tought me basically everything i know in swedish, despite of reading it 3 years at school. You can imagine, that the games skill level was definately hardcore for me.
I bouht Eternal Darkness based on what the box looked like and what reads on the back of it. Definately a pleasent surprise.

But yes, rating doesn't tell you much, if i recall, Wawe Race 64 had pretty bad average rating, but the game is great and definately a nice change in the racing games genre to the car games. Btw, if someone haven't yet dowloaded this from Virtual Console, i suggest doing it right away, the game is just great (it's a lot better than Blue Storm).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.