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jefforange89 said:
vlad321 said:
Dogswithguns said:
jefforange89 said:
Dogswithguns said:
vlad321 said:
Dogswithguns said:

Do we really need better PC graphics than what it is now? not really.

Does the Wii really need better graphics than it already has now? ... no not really.

On the Wii = Yes

On the PC = No

And why's that?

Bcuz the Wii graphics hurts my eyes....

The 360/PS3 graphics hurt my eyes, so does the tearing, lack of AA, and ridiculously low resolutions. It's just painful to watch.


And it's hilarious how many of the most popular "HD" games are really just hairs above the "dreaded" SD of Wii games, and nowhere near true HD.

My point was the PC graphics don't really need to be any higher resolutions than what they are now(Im happy with it personally)..... I never said anything about the consoles graphics comparing to PC's in the first place.