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Identify person from picture posted above you!

To post picture, click right text reply and put it there.

I recomend saving picture, going to tinypic and putting it there,then pastin it here from there, so you can't cheat to find name



2 - No double posts like its Y or its O oh wait its A.Each person can guess only once for each picture.

3 - Person needs to be cleary shown in the picture.

4 - If person is from movie, the one who posted picture can decide is it enough to know the actor or the character.

5 - If person who posted picture starts giving hints, you can guess more than once.

6 - The first one who gets it right can post the next picture.

7 - If someone posts picture without following the rules he will be asked to delete it and if not will be reported.

You can post picture when:

1 - No one has indentifed person in 30 minutes.

2 - You got it right and user who posted it agrees or more than 2 other person agrees that its the right answer.

3 - If someone has answered right and has been confirmed that its the right answer BUT haven't posted next picture in 15 mins


You can post anything from Solid Snake to Yoda.

Ok here is mine:

Who is him?




Take my love, take my land..