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1up reviews Time Crisis 4 harshly:

When paying ninety dollars for a lightgun shooter you're used to playing in movie theater lobbies and dingy arcades, you would expect to be able to feed it more virtual quarters when you die, or at least earn more to use along the way. Right? Time Crisis 4 disagrees. It casually eschews any notions of contemporary game design, look, or feel, with only embarrassingly shoddy efforts to atone for its "arcade port" status. As universally point-and-shoot accessible as lightgun games should be, no one should be forced to fight through this catastrophe.


Not that we'd recommend doing so, but if you can get a hold of another GunCon3, playing through Arcade mode with a pal provides slightly more mindless fun for an hour or so (though it goes from ugly to fugly in splitscreen) before you both realize you could be playing Calling All Cars for a ninth the cost. No, Time Crisis 4 isn't broken, and the GunCon3 generally works as advertised; it's just appallingly unentertaining after ten minutes, insultingly expensive for what it offers, and has absolutely no place in the PS3 library of anyone but the most desperate gun nuts and Time Crisis devotees.

Editor's Rating: Bad  - 3.5
