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You know, some of you are heavily overrestimating M$. Although Micro$oft have traditionally been driving their competition out of business, but these are small companies and M$ have used their big pockets against competition, it's been like them being a teenager bullying in kindergarten. Now, when they entered the mobile phone business, or the gaming business, they stepped out from the kindergarten, to the big boys league, thinking they could gain something by bullying like before. And what happens? They get beaten. Outside operating systems, they compete with companies, who have as big pockets as Micro$oft has and those companies tend to have decades with experience from the business they're in, when M$ only jumps out of the woods with pockets full of money.
So, if we look at Sony and Micro$oft, it's more propable, that Sony drives M$ out of business, than vice versa.
If we look at what business' M$ has, it has operating systems (as in terms of being dominant, like it has been discussed in this topic) and office should be counted at a part of it's OS business. And WTF is Zune? I don't think M$ dominates that market, unless "Zune" is a market of it's own.

Worst thing that can happen to PS3, isn't M$ making money with 360, but 3rd parties making money with 360, maybe after 3rd parties losing money with PS3. I don't think Sony is currently in a situation with PS3, that it worries how competition is doing, what they need to worry is how to turn PS3 in to money. And what comes with Nintendo, i don't think M$ and Sony think that they can do anything to stop Wii or DS, so they can compete only with each other.

@Dodece: Maybe Time Warner has control over your living room, but that's because you have chosen it to be so. And Time Warner had to compete to get to your living room. It doesn't have a monopoly on entertainment. Let's look at my living room: i have Elisa cable TV, Elisa internet connection, Elisa mobile phone connection and the entertainment that runs on my TV, is mostly from Nintendo. Why is it so? It's because i have chosen to. I can switch to Digitas terrestial network for TV broadcasts (which i will, after cable goes digital after few months), i can change my ISP anytime i want to, just like my phone operator and i can buy games/consoles, other than Nintendo, anytime i want. But the reason why i have chosen to do as i have, is because those companies have competed to have a product that fits for me.

@eab: The reason why GE is playing the nice guy, is that they know playing the hardball doesn't get you anywhere, anyway they know they play in the big boys league, where the other big boys can hit back. Which leads only to losing money. The reason why Sony fucks with gamers, is that (just like M$) they saw themselves being the big guy among kids (not to mention their rootkit).

@ssj: If DVD sales have been slowing 6 years ago, that propably has more to do with crappy movies than future HD formats. I could claim as well, that the reason why Blu-Ray and HD-DVD doesn't sell, is HVD.
From 65nm process, compared to 90, you gain only in long term with high production numbers. The change itself, is expensive as hell.

@Ickalanda: That was pretty much like crap you wrote there. You propably know it yourself too.
Tell me, where can i get a PC with 270 Euros to play with my widesceen TV and i don't need to upgrade it as long as it gets games? Problem with your claim with HC games, was that consoles doesn't have games, that would turn the "PC HC gamers" to consoles. No MMO:s. Then there's the kids, who play FPS's online, which you hardly can call "gamers", or you can, but same way you can call the MMO gamers or Nintendogs gamers. When we really start to talk about gamers, they have a lot bigger variety in games they play. By definition how "Hardcore Gamers" define themselves, would "Hardcore" (without gamer) be better defininion, since the "Hardcore Games" (defined by themselves), play like the traditional non-gamers, with the difference that the "HC" group plays more.
I would call PC controls being far inferior to consoles.

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.