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Girl Gamer Elite said:
It's another case of the developer missing the Wii boat. In the future we'll see the Wii gobble up most titles, but don't expect to see too many western developed games stray from the 360.

 You took your avatar from the Chugworth's Jade Raymond comic? Damn that's harsh. I mean he pretty much mocked Jade Raymond for promoting her game. Something that every producer of a major title does on a regular basis. Its not like she was parading around half naked while doing it. If she were I could understand his criticisim. I don't recall him taking shots at Miyamoto, Kojima, Itagaki, or Cliffy B for promoting their titles. He basically picked on her solely because she was a woman game producer. 

BTW Sorry for going off topic, the Chugworth comic annoyed me and was well tasteless. Its not like Jade Raymond was running around in low cut bra bearing shirts like Stevie Case was famous for donning will "promoting" games she was involved with.