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Mr Khan said:

If anything, he's been too conciliatory. Trying to gain consensus when the Republicans clearly have no mind to do anything but try to water down anything he does. He should have just strong-armed all of it, and damn bi-partisanship


His lack of action is mostly due to his efforts to try to operate with consensus, or something as close as possible to it in our polarized political environment, instead of just steamrolling the opposition.

Actually all of his big plans have been changed more by Leftwing forces then rightwing.

Look at his healthcare bill.

It has a LOT in it that he decryed as unfair, bad for the poor and anti-democratic.

He's had more of an issue with the House Democrats taking over his legislation than anything else.

The Republican "consensus" posturing is just in the hopes he can gain back the reigns a bit to the way he wanted the healthcare.