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eugene said:
The PS3 may not even help blue ray become the format. DVD is not even near dead. how many units would Sony have to sell of the PS3? Look at the PSP. Almost 30 million sold and yet they still cant move UMD movies to save their life. You need hundreds and hundreds of millions of units sold to make a dent. Dvd was in everything and it was the official standard and it still took 10 years to take off.

 There's a difference, PSP has a tiny screen the PS3 only works on large screens wgere people actually watch movies on. UMD is a failure on the movie front but good on the game medium front. Blu-ray is outpacing HD-DVD making it so that they have a good chance of winning and DVD sales are slowing, more and more people are trying to buy their movies in the HD formats as this happens DVD sales will decline, it only makes sense if 1000 customers cut buying regular DVDs by 75% a year thats 75% less DVDs sold to 1000 people. Now lets say those 1000 people by 100 DVDs a year thats 10000 movies now 75% of that or 7500 are now Blu-ray and HD-DVD sales. That does cut down DVD's market share. Especially when it comes to the fact that more and more people are getting HD format players and using the PS3's ability to play Blu-ray movies. 

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