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clandecyon said:
I don't think Sony is going to turn a profit on PS3 hardware until a combination of the following happen:

1) Blu-ray becomes a standard format
2) Another year passes without any price drops
3) MGS4 and FFXIII release causing surges of PS3 sales which better manufacturing costs
4) They cut out more features
5) They finish cleaning out excess stock

 how about, they cut manufacturing cost.. 65nm CELL and RSX = a huge chunk of cost cut. It would also go into a smaller power supply, The blu-ray drive should be getting cheaper to produce, HDD costs are lowering. There are many factors. Sony will be even on costs within the next year. Thats how even the highest end tech works. As time goes on the cheaper something gets to produce as it has paid for the equipment used to make itself. 

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