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The problem nowadays for pc's is that games on consoles sell a lot more than on pc's. Therefore a lot of the games now are first made for a 360/ps3 and then, well not litterally ported, but only get a small bump in graphics, textures, polygons etc. Maybe in a year or so the difference between the hardware of console and pc's get's too big and more games will be produced seperately for consoles and pc's. And the difference in graphics will be bigger and bigger. Just like the OP said with Half-life 2 on xbox and pc.
On a side note: pc games are made for 1080P and higher, while console games (in general) are only made for 720P which safes a lot of CPU. So sitting a couple of metres in front of a TV get's the "same" picture as only sitting 50 cm in front of your screen from your pc, while the resolution is much higher in pc games.